Before anything else, for a more comprehensive introduction to Coq, I recommend Software Foundations and Certified Programming with Dependent Types. This won't be a complete introduction, but in this file I'll quickly review basic Coq syntax and commands.
First off: we use the Inductive
keyword to define a datatype (think data in
Haskell or ML). I put these next few definitions into a module so we don't overwrite
the builtin ones of the same names later in the file.
Module Builtins. Inductive bool : Set := | true | false.
We can have recursive types:
Inductive nat : Set :=
| O
| S (n : nat).
We can add type parameters:
Inductive list (A : Type) : Type :=
| nil
| cons (x : A) (xs : list A).
We can also use a syntax more familiar to Haskellers:
Reset list. Inductive list (A : Type) : Type := | nil : list A | cons : A -> list A -> list A. End Builtins.
We can also express GADTs. Vector A n is the type of exactly n-length lists whose members are of type A:
Inductive Vector (A : Type) : nat -> Type :=
| vnil : Vector A 0
| vcons : forall (n : nat), A -> Vector A n -> Vector A (S n).
Here is a forall type. This is a lot like an arrow type (e.g. nat -> A -> ...), and in fact, A -> B is a notation (shorthand) for forall (_ : A), B. A forall type is called a dependent arrow, in that the type after the forall can depend on the value of the forall-quantified variable. This is the way that every explains what a dependent arrow is, yet it usually doesn't sink in by simply defining it. Examples help.
Also notice that we have a type parameter before the colon (A), as well as a type
index (a value of type nat) after the colon. TODO summarize difference between
parameters and indices. Let's take a look at what we can do with Vector
Let's ask Coq what it thinks the types of Vector, vnil, and vcons are:
That is, Vector is a type function (specifically a type constructor) which takes another type (A), a nat, and returns a concrete type.
vnil takes a type A, and returns a value of type Vector A 0
vcons takes a type A, a number n, a value of type A, a value of type Vector A n (a length-n vector), and returns a value of type Vector A (S n) (a length-(S n) vector).
Notice how vnil and vcons are automatically generalized over (A : Type), because Vector is parameterized over an (A : Type). Because the correct value for A can be easily inferred from the types or values of later arguments, or from the return type, we can ask Coq to automatically infer it, instead of us having to always specify it:
Reset Vector. Inductive Vector {A : Type} : nat -> Type := | vnil : Vector 0 | vcons : forall {n : nat}, A -> Vector n -> Vector (S n).
The curly braces {A : Type} means that Coq should infer A instead of the user having to supply it. We call such a parameter an implicit parameter. However, we will often want to specify the A in Vector A n, so
Arguments Vector : clear implicits.
It is somewhat common to follow a type definition containing an implicit type parameter with a clear implicits for only the type constructor. I wish there were a more concise syntax for this becuase it is such a common pattern...
Now vnil and vcons look a lot like their list counterparts, nil and cons, except with an extra unification variable ?n in the vcons case.
Let's see what we can do with a Vector.
Definition vlength {A n} (v : Vector A n) : nat := n.
Woah! Why don't we have to actually count how long a vector is to compute its length? Because the length of a vector is encoded in its type. What if the length of a vector is not known statically, for instance because it's chosen by the user at runtime or it's based on a value returned by an RNG? Well, the idea is that the producer of a Vector should know how long of a Vector it is producing. If a user asks for a length 4 Vector, then that function which creates the Vector knows that it has a length of 4. This value is then carried around in its type.
Doesn't this have terrible implications for runtime performance? Well, yes and no. Mostly no, but that's a topic for another day.
Definition vhead {A n} (v : Vector A (S n)) : A :=
match v with
| vcons x _ => x
Few things to unpack here:
, because 0 is not
the successor of any number (¬∃ n, 0 = S n)In fact, something much more complicated is happening behind the scenes, and this is part of the power behind fully dependent pattern matching. Idris and Agda have long supported the kind of pattern match given above, where we only have to consider the vcons case. In Coq, this used to be a much longer incantation, and only recently has it begun to accept definitions like the one above and elaborate it to the full thing. If you're curious, here's what the above elaborates to:
Before showing vtail, first here is the nat predecessor function:
Definition vtail {A n} (v : Vector A n) : Vector A (Nat.pred n) := match v with | vnil => vnil | vcons _ xs => xs end.
This is typechecked by case analysis:
Now we can try concatenating vectors, but first, we'll need addition:
This is our first recursive function, and you'll notice the distinctive fix keyword. This is the keyword for signalling that a recursive function follows; otherwise functions are not allowed to be recursive. This has to do with Coq only permitting programs that provably terminate on all inputs. Non-recursive functions certainly terminate, so the special case becomes recursive functions. I won't get into how it checks whether a recursive definition is certainly terminating, but suffice it to say that Nat.add is shown to terminate.
Fixpoint vappend {A n m} (v1 : Vector A n) (v2 : Vector A m) : Vector A (n + m) :=
match v1 with
| vnil => v2
| vcons x xs => vcons x (vappend xs v2)
It's almost a miracle that this definition is permitted. In fact, it would not be permitted if the type signature ended in Vector A (m + n), even though such a function should certainly exist! Let's open the proof shell to see how we can define such a function:
A:Typen, m:natv1:Vector A nv2:Vector A m
Vector A (m + n)
The items above the line are our hypotheses, or assumptions. The item(s) below the line are the goal(s). We must use the hypotheses to prove the goal in each case
induction is how we start a recursive definition... No, actually, it's how you apply the principle of mathematical induction... No, actually, those are the same thing... Another topic for another day...
We induction on v2 this time, because the first argument to Nat.add is the one which it recurses on, and m is the index of v2. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense
A:Typem:natv2:Vector A mVector A (m + 0)A:Typem, n:natx:Axs:Vector A nv2:Vector A mIH:Vector A (m + n)Vector A (m + S n)
This leaves us with two goals, one in the case that v1 = vnil, and one in the case v1 = vcons _ _
Let's see if the first goal can be simplified by applying Nat.add...
A:Typem:natv2:Vector A mVector A (m + 0)A:Typem:natv2:Vector A mVector A (m + 0)
Let's first use an existing lemma that shows that n + 0 = n
exact v2.A:Typem:natv2:Vector A mVector A m
The second case is a bit trickier:
A:Typem, n:natx:Axs:Vector A nv2:Vector A mIH:Vector A (m + n)Vector A (m + S n)
Let's first use an existing lemma that shows that x + S y = S (x + y)
A:Typem, n:natx:Axs:Vector A nv2:Vector A mIH:Vector A (m + n)Vector A (S (m + n))
Now we know that a Vector A (S _) can only be introduced by vcons
exact (vcons x IH). Defined.
The types line up, but is the definition correct?
Definition v := Eval cbv in vappend' (vcons 1 (vcons 2 vnil)) (vcons 3 (vcons 4 vnil)).
Well that's... awful. But we can still see the vcons 1 (... (vcons 4 vnil))) hidden in there. The reason there's a bunch of extra noise has to do with the opaqueness of plus_n_Sm and plus_n_O. They are declared to be opaque, and so they can't be simplified away during reduction. However, if we extract this code into a non-dependently typed language, all of the eq_ nonsense goes away:
Require Extraction. Extraction Language Haskell. Extraction Inline eq_rect. Extraction Inline Vector_rect.
This demonstrates an interesting feature, however: extraction. One of Coq's killer features is the ability to extract Coq code into a variety of other functional programming languages, namely OCaml, Haskell, and Scheme. In the process, we lose any dependent typing, so guarantees are lost. But the invariants that held in the code will still hold. For instance,
What is that __ there? Well if we extract a complete module instead of one defintion...
We can see that __ is a runtime error. This makes sense because you cannot take the head of a vnil. Haskell doesn't have dependent types (and the spec does not yet mention GADTs), so vhead can't enforce the pre-invariant; it's up to the caller to make sure to only call vhead with a vcons. On the other hand,
Definition vhead_safe {A n} (v : Vector A n) : option A := match v with | vnil => None | vcons x _ => Some x end. Extract Inductive option => Maybe [Just Nothing].
Let's revisit __. It could have just as easily been defined as undefined, except the error message is descriptive and helpful. In fact, what does it say? "Logical or arity value used"? Huh? Why not just say "we've hit an absurd case! did you break an invariant?"? Well that's actually not what this error message is saying at all! Let's take another look at vhead's full, elaborated, definition:
If you look in the vnil case, it returns an idProp. Well, actually, the vnil case can never be hit, because v : Vector A (S n). So why do we have to include anything at all? Well, Coq's match knows nothing about absurd cases. We must use match in such a way that, inside of a match, we return something trivial for the vnil case, and on the outside, since we know that the vnil case will never be hit, the return type of the entire match only depends on what the return type for the vcons case is.
What the return match ... end clause describes is how the return type of the match changes in each case. It says "inside the match, if the length of v is 0, return an IDProp (more on IDProp later); otherwise if it's S _, return an A". But it also describes what the return type of the whole match is. The return type of the whole match is
match (S n) with | 0 => IDProp | S _ => A end
But this just simplifies down to just A. Aha! So inside the match, we must return an IDProp in the vnil case, and an A in the vcons case, but outside the match, we know we will always have an A. This is how you elide absurd cases using dependent match.
Okay, now, what are IDProp and idProp?
Put simply IDProp is a trivially true proposition, and idProp is a proof of IDProp. Proposition?
Due to the Curry-Howard correspondence, the class of mathematical propositions is isomorphic to the class of types. All this means is that there is a one-to-one correspondence between proofs (in the mathematical sense) and programs. Under this analogy, propositions are types, and proofs are programs. That is fundamentally why we can write proofs in a functional programming language such as Coq.
For instance, we are all familiar with the proposition of equality, yes? x = y. What do we know of equality. Well, it's the smallest relation that's reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. How is it defined in Coq? (Yes, equality is defined, not primitive, in Coq)
Equality is an inductive type! Moreover, it only has one constructor. Hmm, the type signature is a little confusing. It would be easier to grok if eq were instead defined as
Inductive eq' {A : Type} : A -> A -> Prop :=
| eq'_refl : forall x, eq' x x.
That is, eq' is an inductive type with only one constructor. This constructor says that for all values x, x equals itself. That is to say, equality is reflexive. What about the other two properties, symmetry and transitivity? I won't get into it here, but they actually follow from reflexivity and eq-elimination (a.k.a the idiscernibility of identicals).
So what does "Logical or arity value used" mean? Well, although proofs are programs, not all proofs need to actually wind up in the extracted output program. idProp is simple enough, but what about a beast like
(* Just quickly redefining the stdlib theorem *)induction n; [easy | now intros; simpl; rewrite <- IHn]. Defined.forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + S m
Holy cow, that's huge! Are we really running that code whenever some extracted code calls plus_n_Sm? Actually, no. Recall that vappend' used plus_n_Sm in its definition, and yet, plus_n_Sm didn't show up at all in the extracted output. Here it is again:
Why doesn't it have to show up? Well, simply put, the exact contents of plus_n_Sm are irrelevant to the rest of the code. It can never affect the control or data flow of our program. Specifically in this case, that is because the only value plus_n_Sm could ever return is eq_refl. But moreover, it is because eq : ... -> Prop. eq is an inductive type in sort Prop. I can't get too much into sorts, but Prop is a special one. Coq's type system (based upon the Calculus of (Co-)Inductive Constructions, CIC) is carefully designed to not allow a value of sort Set or Type to depend on any value of sort Prop. This essentially means that no value of sort Prop needs to wind up in extracted code.
That's enough of that. Let's learn about some program sythesis.
The Coq Hammer (terrible, unfortunate name) is "an automated reasoning Hammer tool for Coq". The term Hammer (to my best knowledge) refers to a 2010 paper about linking interactive proof assistants (like Coq, but the paper is about Isabelle/HOL) with automatic theorem provers (ATPs) (e.g. CVC, Twelf, Z3, SPARK). With no further ado,
From Hammer Require Import Hammer.
Let's try to prove some really gnarly theorem
forall n m : nat, (n + m) * (2 * n * n + n * m) = (n * n + n * m) * (2 * n + m)Abort.sauto. Qed.forall n m : nat, (n + m) * (2 * n * n + n * m) = (n * n + n * m) * (2 * n + m)
What happened there? What hammer does, is it sends all theorems that are available to us, as well as the current hypotheses and goal, to an ATP (on my machine, probably CVC4 or Z3). It asks the ATP if it can prove the current goal, and if so which helper lemmas did it use to prove it. If the ATP was unable to prove the current goal, Hammer will ask the next available ATP if it can prove it. If any available ATP responds back with a proof and a list of theorems it used, then Hammer will attempt to reconstruct that proof in Coq. Now, not all reconstructions will work, mainly due to the fact that Coq is based off of an intuitionistic logic, and most ATPs are based off of classical logics. But the vast majority will work.
Actually, what happened here was somewhat simpler: Hammer was able to solve this goal using only its builtin tactics written in Coq. Blast! Okay, let's try something even gnarlier: